(Insert witty blog title here) Charlie's

project updates, travelling records, random thoughts. teaching, travelling, designing, and the usual machinations people end up embrawled in.

"You are all, as a whole, a class.
Individually, you are a unit.
The ones of whom i remember the name are the disruptive idiots... believe me, a unit is the best you want to be."

listening to : mundy - galway girl

Ok.. so some work, brief teaching contracts sorted out. from the end of the month:
one week in austria
one week in italy
one week in poland
then one week back in austria

by the time all that's done it takes me nearly into october, so hopefully i can find a contract abroad to start then.
screw this country.

Just finished my post at summer school in Bristol - 6 weeks at a 400 strong school crammed with italians, spanish and the occasional french and czech.

I say i won't go back .. every year .. and then i do. Have to say it's a hard job but you always meet some fantastic people there, and bristol was nice to work in for a change of scenery.

the current scenario is job hunting whilst hiding under a crevice in London. kent or abroad, lucky dip depending on what i'm offered first.

Listening to: I no speak Americano -

love it.

Low Morale is a set of flash animations about a man, who having jumped into the hell-like maw of the workplace deals with the scenarios we are all familiar with.. and think about! My favourite is 'Fire me.'

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