(Insert witty blog title here) Charlie's

project updates, travelling records, random thoughts. teaching, travelling, designing, and the usual machinations people end up embrawled in.

I've just started a new art project after a relevation outside waterloo station, frappacino and cigarette in hand.

Wandering over to central london this morning, A2 sketchpad on an easal (why can i never spell that correctly), i asked people on the street to write down their current thought on the pad.
Some of the responses included:
-I hate my father
-Nothing is so shit than realizing in the middle of an argument with your boss that you're wrong.
-I told the loan shark where she was :)
-Rabbits scare me
-I want to fly a plane... kind of hard when i have a prosthetic arm!
and my personal favourite: "I'm currently on ket as it makes my shit job FUN"

Pictures on the way. I'll be doing the same in Bristol, Brighton, Canterbury, Oxford and Stratford over the summer.


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