(Insert witty blog title here) Charlie's

project updates, travelling records, random thoughts. teaching, travelling, designing, and the usual machinations people end up embrawled in.

Just a brief note on my encounter with a Wasp of a till-slave-lady in Vocklabruck, Austria at the Penny Market (the equivelent of Morrison's with an addition of rather interesting cannabis-laced iced teas on sale). After a seemingly innocent purchase of orange juice and cereal bars to eat in the dead of night at my mosquito-ridden hotel, I requested a bag to carry said purchases within on the trudge home.

I recieved a look of intense disgust, with a thick, ring-laden pudgy sausage finger stabbing first in my face, then with a gutteral spitting curse in German it revolved to some dusty bags concealed within the gloom under the till.

The sheer snarl I recieved made me wonder as if by not understanding her instructions I had unwittingly contaminated the shop by my mere presence and inability to speak a language which is by no means widely used around the world.


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