(Insert witty blog title here) Charlie's

project updates, travelling records, random thoughts. teaching, travelling, designing, and the usual machinations people end up embrawled in.

about time I suppose!

So, Madrid. Been to see some great places including Toledo, partied in many a bar and enjoyed tapas-hopping, and my spanish is coming along slowly. Wherever i end up i'll be working on improving that. It's 9.29pm here, a normal day at work, and i'm off to see Primal scream on friday, which i'm really looking forward to.

Met some great people from all walks of life, including history-loving american majors, stereotype sheila-stating Australians, and a few Canadians with too much facial hair. Kiwis who chat to me in Japanese. Irish guys with odd hairstyles. Old school english gentlemen. Hot Scots. Spanish who can't get their head around regular verb past 'ed' endings i.e the stereotypical 'it's complicate'.

The job has improved somewhat; It's easier once you know the metro, although the hours can be an absolute pain sometimes. Most of the students are fine and rather varied, among some l'oreal managers and government president types on my timetable. A slight difference to kids!

The people I work with are perhaps the most eclectic bunch to be thrown together, but they're really good fun. Now people are settling there's a better sense of a social group and life seems more fun. 

But I still can't work out those blasted spanish verb endings!


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